My Calling

My Calling 

In this document I have tried to explain when and where my calling towards ministry in the SICM has come from and what my calling and faith means to me, also I have explored what inspires me to want to seek ordination as a Reverend.

Ever since I came out as an openly gay teenager at the age of fifteen I knew there was a purpose to my being here on earth, I knew why the lord our god had placed me and I quickly set about living my life first as a passionate supporter and activist of human rights and equality for everyone no matter what race, belief, orientation they maybe all people in my view were to be and deserved to be seen as equal which is the way our father would have wanted things to be.

I lived my teenage years fighting for one cause or another and then I found religion. I have always been spiritual and believed that we are put here for a reason but wasn’t entirely sure how to follow up these thoughts and feelings let alone know what I was being called upon to do. To me I was just like every other teenager a little rebellious at times but hand on heart who wasn’t.

It wasn’t till the death of my first actual boyfriend that I explored my actual spiritual feelings and thoughts which I am now guessing all these years later was the start of a calling but back then in hindsight I didn’t realize this. Friends came and went in and out of my life like busboys do in restaurants. I soon realized my political side to me spurred on by the belief I could make a difference in what I was doing at the age of 25 I started to consider my political views but it was to be a long journey lasting a further 2 years.

All the time throughout the two years I was aware of my spirituality and started to discover what I believed and what I wanted to do, I never really followed it up though until some very close friends of mine started to develop illnesses which led to their time on the lord’s earth being ended. It was recently that a very very close friend and soul mate passed away and it started me thinking and considering my calling in his memory.

I feel my purpose hasn’t changed at all if anything the calling has become clearer and stronger to the point whereby its undeniable therefore I started to become a regular attendee at a local church and now feel I am ready for a journey along the path of becoming firstly an ordinand working towards being a Reverend.

My calling to Ministry would be firstly to work with Homeless Teenagers and secondly working with Homeless youth’s that identify as part of the LGBT community. In fact my calling to Ministry is to support anyone and everyone who is in need of spiritual guidance.

I hope by writing this I have explained a bit about me as a person and as a potential Reverend.

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