Tuesday 1 April 2014

Evening Prayer 01st April 2014

Slow me down, Lord!
Ease the pounding of my heart
by the quietening and calming
of my mind.

Break the tensions
of my nerves and muscles
with the soothing music
of the singing streams
that live in my memory.
Give me, amidst the confusion
of the day,

the calmness of the everlasting hills.
Steady my hurried pace
with a vision
of your eternal reach of time,
and restore and heal me
in the hours of sleep.

Teach me the art
of appreciating what is ordinary:
of slowing down
to look at and become more aware
of the beauty around me;
to take time to be with others,
to sit and enjoy music
or a good book
- to give myself time for myself.

 Remind me each day
of the fable
of the hare and the tortoise,
that I may know
that the race is not always
to the swift;
that there is more to life
than increasing its speed.

Let me look upwards
into the branches
of the towering trees
and know
that they grew great and strong
because they grew slowly and well.
Slow me down, Lord,
and inspire me to send my roots
deep into the soil
of life’s enduring values.
Slow me down, Lord,
that I may grow true and well
in your light.



Prayer Request

This is for a  friend and a lad he is mentoring 

Oh Father, You sent Your Eternal Son to save the world, and You chose men and women, so that through Him, with Him and in Him, they might proclaim the Good News of the Gospel to all nations. Grant us the necessary graces, so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the joy of being the evangelists that the Church needs in the Third Millennium may shine in the faces of all young people.

Oh Christ, Redeemer of humanity, the image of Your open arms which welcomes all people. In Your paschal offering, You led us, by the Holy Spirit, to encounter the Father as His children. Young people, who are nourished by Eucharist, who hear You in Your Word and meet You as their brother, need your infinite mercy to walk along the paths of this world as disciples and missionaries of the church.

Oh Holy Spirit, Love of the Father and of the Son, with the splendor of Your Truth and the fire of Your Love, shed Your Light upon all young people so that, inspired by their experience at World Youth Day, they may bring faith, hope and charity to the four corners of the earth, becoming great builders of a culture of life and peace and catalysts of a new world.

Amen !

Music Choice 

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